How to do London Outcall massage for clients
Asian Mystic tantric massage providing best tantric massage in London. Including Outcall massage. Outcall massage is very popular in London , especially for business men and traveler in London.
What is an outcall massage?
London Outcall massage is when a masseuse comes to the client’s home, office, hotel room or event. Outcall massage can include tantric massage, erotic massage, sensual massage, table massage, but not many other services can be performed. (They require supplies that are heavy or otherwise don’t travel well.)
Now, let Asian Mystic Sensual Massage parlour give you a introduce about how to do an Outcall Massage for clients in London.
Note:Try your best to perform the best massage for your client, so they will come back for your service .
Decide what kind of outcall service you want to do(including Asian Massage, tantirc massage, sensual massage , erotic massage and many more..), and set your prices. Rates are generally higher for outcall massage, taking into account gas, driving time and preparation.
Know how much space you need to work comfortably. When clients call, ask how much space they have for you to set up. Schedule the appointment, and ask if they want to pay with their credit card over the phone, if you offer that. This is the most secure method of payment, although it is more costly to accept a credit card that isn’t present for you to swipe.
Find directions to the client’s location, and write them down. Notify someone of where you are going, complete with the client’s name and address. Always have your guard up, and check in with friends so they know you are safe. If you don’t call them by a set time, they will know to call the police and will be able to tell them your location.
Pack up everything you need and load up your vehicle. Drive to the client’s locatio (like hotels in London )n and get set up. If you choose not to accept credit cards over the phone, decide if taking payment before the massage will work better for you. Most clients tip according to the therapist’s performance, but it may not be worth the risk of nonpayment by waiting until the session is over.
Sanitize and dress your table in front of the client to show that you use sanitary precautions. Ask clients to turn off their phone and TV, put the dog outside or do whatever they need to do to ensure a relaxing environment. Wash your hands before you get started.
Make a sign up sheet if you are doing chair massage in a public place and you get too busy. It’s a good idea to have a jar available for tips, as well as business cards for clients to take. Sanitize your chair after every client.
Clean up your things, and thank your client when you are finished. Try to schedule the next appointment before leaving. When you go out to your vehicle, note your odometer and keep track of your mileage in a log book so you can write the travel off your taxes.
Last but not the least
Safe is everything, let someone know before you come for an appointment. :)
Now, good luck !
Asian Mystic tantric massage providing best tantric massage in London.